Prophecy & Hope

Prophecy & Hope:“Prophesy says that it is time now to share some of our sacred traditions of our culture. With the birth of the ‘Miracle,’ a female white buffalo in 1994 in Wisconsin, it signals the time when the 4 colors of man will be coming together to unite and heal. Creator has given different gifts and responsibilities to each of the colors. Ours is to help preserve Earth for all the children. Time is running out. It’s time to act,” say many Indigenous spiritual leaders of the Americas.

Coincidentally, in 1994, the Trends Institute, which goes to most newspapers, said that Ancient Wisdom is on the rise throughout the US and world, finding that materialism isn’t fulfilling happiness. Trends predicted that “around the turn of the Millennium, we would start incorporating the American Indian’s philosophy of Nature into our definition of Patriotism, and within a decade have an overarching love of our lands.” It’s happening!

Here and now we can all choose to stop reruns that “continue the past,” and take a higher road, through forgiveness and loving thy enemy, like Jesus and the Tibetans. What we put out, we get back, because we are one. All races have at some time suffered an assassination of the heart – been abused, exploited, removed and genocided. At Aspen’s Ute Millennial Ceremony, inspired by the Pope’s apology, our community took the first wobbly (then exhilarating) step toward apoligizing, forgiving and making amends so that we can together “walk in beauty” into a bountiful new Age! A Millennium that is sustainable because we are going back to honoring the Universal Laws of Nature of our ancestors and most Indigenous Peoples.

Through all the media coverage about the gifts of First Americans, we are turning prejudice into awe and appreciation. By putting Native children under our wings, we are giving everyone a chance for an abundant future – synthesizing the best wisdom of our old and new Nation into a sustainable American Dream. “This is a good way to create the happiness, the harmony and the brotherhood for all Creator’s Children.” (Alden Naranjo.)

From the heart,

Native American Olympic Team Foundation Board  usual Suzy, you’re working on good causes. I commend you for — Bill Bradley

What a surprise as I thought Americans and Canadians lost completely their links with the ancient roots, knowledge and traditions of the original inhabitants, so thanks for sharing and all your efforts. --Eduardo de la Barrera, Latin American

NAOTF’s inspiring work is helping bring racial harmony to America.”       -- President Bill Clinton

“As co-founder and Vice Chair of the U.S. House of Representative’s Native American Caucus (60 members), congratulations on your Native American Millennial Ski events. It’s heartening to know that there are groups like yours across America that are working to better the lives of their Indian friends and neighbors."     --Patrick Kennedy, Member of Congress 

"Congratulations on all the efforts of Native American Olympic Team Foundation. All of us at Steamboat Ski & Resort Corporation hope that the success of our "Future Ute Olympians Program" (taught by Billy's Olympic coaches) will stimulate other resorts and towns to host Native American youth for ski and snowboarding experiences. If we may be of further help in spreading the word, please let us know." --Chris Diamond, President, and Billy Kidd, Director of Skiing